NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Aberfeldy Development Trust will be held on Monday 19th August 2024, Lesser Town Hall Aberfeldy at 7.30pm for the following purposes: –
1 Ordinary resolutions
To consider the following ordinary resolutions: –
1.1 That the Chairperson’s report be received.
1.2 That a Financial Report be received.
1.3 That Graham Forsyth, Adam Hobson, Carol Lang, Sally Murray and Gill Steele, be re-elected as Directors of the Trust.
1.4 That Chris Birt is elected as a Director of the Trust.
1.5 That Graham Forsyth be re-elected as a Director of the Trust.
1.6 That Adam Hobson be re-elected as a Director of the Trust.
1.7 That Carol Lang be re- elected as a Director of the Trust.
1.8 That Sally Murray be re-elected as a Director of the Trust.
1.9 That Gill Steele be re-elected as a Director of the Trust.
2 Special resolution
There are no special resolutions.
The AGM may also be joined remotely by joining the meeting on Microsoft Teams.
Meeting ID: 337 597 145 376
Passcode: 8KeJyG
All Ordinary Members have a right to appoint a proxy (see Proxy Form)