Notice of AGM: Monday 19th August, 7.30pm @ Lesser Town Hall

NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Aberfeldy Development Trust will be held on Monday 19th August 2024, Lesser Town Hall Aberfeldy at 7.30pm for the following purposes: –  1 Ordinary resolutions  To consider the following ordinary resolutions: –  1.1 That the Chairperson’s report be received.  1.2 That a Financial Report be …

Community Action Plan: Household survey now live

The communities of Aberfeldy, Dull and Weem are working together to create a CommunityAction Plan that will guide their development over the next 5 years. With funding from Perth& Kinross Council’s CLLD programme, Aberfeldy Development Trust got the ball rolling inApril to appoint STAR Development Group to guide the work, and recruit a local CommunityConnector, …

Forestry and Land Scotland: Land Management Plan for Dull, Weem & Glassie Forests

Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) plays a vital role in managing and maintaining Scotland’s forests and woodlands. Every ten years, detailed Land Management Plans are created for specific areas that detail the long-term direction, what operations they intend to deliver in the coming ten years, and which secure the licensing required to deliver timber harvesting, …

Town Hall Affordable Flats

Locus Breadalbane Ltd, who operate the Town Hall and Locus Centre, have completed a significant milestone in developing an affordable housing project for Aberfeldy. Communities Housing Trust and architect Andrew Black Design, have submitted an application for listed building consent for the renovation of space within Aberfeldy Town Hall.  This community-owned project aims to provide …

Wade’s Bridge Conservation

Aberfeldy Development Trust has been approached to support and explore the formation of a Friends of Wade’s Bridge group. The main purpose of a Friends group would be to support a detailed conservation management plan involving key stakeholders. A report on the current condition of the bridge is now available to view: Simpson Brown Report on Wade’s …

Aberfeldy community group aims to build new houses to halt exodus of priced-out locals

A new community group in Aberfeldy has been formed to stop the exodus of locals priced out of the housing market. The Aberfeldy Development Trust hopes to build new homes to address the high cost of housing that is driving many who grew up in the village to leave for cheaper areas. Its vow for …