Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS) plays a vital role in managing and maintaining Scotland’s forests and woodlands. Every ten years, detailed Land Management Plans are created for specific areas that detail the long-term direction, what operations they intend to deliver in the coming ten years, and which secure the licensing required to deliver timber harvesting, replanting and other aspects of sustainable land management.
FLS are now working on developing a land management plan for Dull, Weem & Glassie Forest’s. You can view the site map here
As part of their commitment to transparency and community engagement, FLS conducts consultations on land management plans with key stakeholders, local communities and other interested parties. Aberfeldy Development Trust are currently working with FLS to input into the land management plan for Dull, Weem & Glassie, and there will be an opportunity for the community to input into
the future of Scotland’s forestry.
FLS are keen to hear from the local community about what is important for the area, and will be running public engagement events in early 2024. By engaging in these consultations, you can voice your opinions and suggestions regarding the management of this area of public land. Your input can help shape the future of this local forest and ensure that it is managed in a way that
benefits both the environment and the local communities. Aberfeldy Development Trust will help promote these engagement events, so keep an eye on our website and social media for details coming in 2024.